
For Immediate Release



Megan Dean | 713.229.0360 |  mdean@oglawyers.com

Firm Announcement Chambers USA Regional Spotlight - WEBSITE IMAGE
HOUSTON, TEXAS – February 13, 2024
Oliva Gibbs has been recognized as one of Texas’ top mid-sized law firms for Energy & Natural Resources work in the 2024 Chambers USA Regional Spotlight Guide.

“We are so proud to be ranked as a leading firm for energy work in Texas by Chambers and Partners,” said firm Managing Partner, Zachary Oliva. He added that one of the reasons clients choose to work with Oliva Gibbs is that “the firm delivers tremendous value for energy industry litigation, title, and transactional work compared to a number of larger and more expensive firms.”

London-based Chambers and Partners has been researching and ranking law firms and lawyers across the U.S. legal industry for more than three decades. This is the inaugural year for the Texas Energy & Natural Resources Spotlight rankings, which are based on independent and in-depth market research, covering 12 cities across the state.

“To be recognized as a leader in a market with so many excellent lawyers is just incredibly gratifying,” said Houston-based partner, Brad Gibbs. “We pride ourselves on continuous learning, collaboration, and excellent client service, and I think this ranking demonstrates that clients have a better experience working with us because we live those core values,” he added.

According to the guide, “Houston continues to cement itself as the energy capital of America, fueling large amounts of energy-related work for small firms in the region. The firms listed evidence of highly impressive expertise across the energy arena, from traditional oil & gas to energy transition efforts.”

Oliva Gibbs is one of just six firms ranked for energy law in Houston, with Chambers noting that the firm has “a well-regarded practice,” that “routinely represents major oil and gas corporations…”

About the Firm
Oliva Gibbs LLP is a national law firm with offices in Columbus, Houston, Lafayette, Midland, and Oklahoma City. Highly skilled oil and gas attorneys anchor a team focused on oil, gas, and mineral transactions; complex title matters; surface use issues; arbitration and litigation; energy contracts; and regulatory and risk mitigation matters. The team includes former landmen and in-house energy executives, as well as attorneys certified in Oil, Gas, and Mineral law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. To learn more about Oliva Gibbs, please visit www.oglawyers.com or find the firm on social media @OlivaGibbsLLP

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Oliva Gibbs LLP
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